S.R. Blackinton offers customized, quality, hand engraving for many of our products. Allow our master craftsmen to engrave your item. Personalizing with a name, date, family crest, or words of sentiment creates a treasured heirloom gift to pass down from generation to generation. Remember a message from the heart lasts a life time.
Please review the information below for details on our engraving services.
For help in determining your engraving options and for pricing
Please contact us Monday thru Friday from 8:30am to 3:30pm EST @ 401.231.1721

Choosing engraving can be tricky; here are a few tips to help with your decision.
Baby Cups: Typically when spelling out a name we recommend a Roman font for a boy and the French Script font for a girl. The engraving is positioned so that the handle is to the right. Many times the first and middle name is used, with that the layout is determined by the length of the names. Sometimes both names fit nicely together, otherwise the names are stacked. When including a birth date, it is typically included on the same side as the name and on the last line. If you choose to go with an initial format the order would be first, middle and last initial; all the same height. Please note there is a difference between monograms and initials, please see monogram information below.
Please keep in mind that Monograms, by their very nature and tradition, are used only to engrave 3 initials. Monograms feature the Last Name Initial as a centered larger letter, with the first name initial on the left and the middle name initial on the right, smaller than the centered last name initial. Monograms are not gender specific and may be used to engrave for an individual or a couple:
Individual monograms appear as first name initial, last name initial and middle name initial, in that order. As an example, if the full three names were Justin Charles Morgan, the monogram would appear in the order of initials as JMC, with the center/last name initial M larger in the center.
Marital or Couple’s monograms, in which you would provide the bride’s or wife’s first name initial in the first initial field, provide the groom’s or husband’s first name initial in the last initial field and the couple’s last name initial larger and in the middle initial field. This will create a traditional couple’s married monogram. As an example, if the couple’s names are Jane and Mike Doe, their monogram would be JDM. It is traditional for the bride’s or wife’s first name initial to be placed first in the monogram.

See below samples of all of the fonts available for engraving found on our web site: